


查找SPU列出的10个最受欢迎的专业 SPU的事实 页面. 在那个页面上,你还可以找到网易彩票app平均班级规模的信息, 学术项目数量, 种族多样性, 和更多的.


SPU has a sm所有 but active international population — currently approximately about 180 undergraduate students 和 60 graduate students. 网易彩票app的国际学生来自大约45个不同的国家.

我不是基督徒. SPU还会是我的好选择吗?

SPU不要求学生是基督徒. Students of 所有 faith backgrounds (和 no faith background) are welcome here! 然而, 网易彩票app想确定你知道这是一所基督教大学, 这是网易彩票app作为一个社区的核心部分.

Your t每一个ers are likely to approach their disciplines within a Christian framework 和 from a Christian perspective, 和 it is important that 你 are comfortable with that 和 with living within a Christian environment. 

There is certainly not any expectation that 你 become Christian 你rself — 你 are absolutely welcome here as a person of another faith, 或者没有特别的信仰.

But we will ask 你 to take up to three Foundations classes in Christianity during 你r time at SPU 和 to be prepared to have open discussions about questions 和 issues of faith, 课堂内外都有.



International applicants are welcome to apply for admission to begin at SPU in Autumn, 冬天, 或春季学期. 网易彩票app在夏季不招收新的国际学生. 


你的文章会帮助招生委员会更好地了解你. 你的文章应该写得很好, 300字及以上, 和 will inform the committee of the experiences 你 have had 和 what 你 hope to accomplish at 网易彩票下载 和 beyond.

重要的是,论文是由 ,无需他人协助编辑. We do not expect non-native speakers’ writing to be “perfect” 和 free of grammatical errors. But we do encourage 你 to proof read 你r essay 和 submit the best example of 你r writing.  


  • 网易彩票app看你的平均绩点和考试成绩, 和 then we consider the kind of classes 你 took; if 你r grades are improving, 下降, 或者是一致的.
  • 网易彩票app会阅读推荐信 (不是必需的),你可以选择提交.
  • 网易彩票app观察你的活动 看看你是怎么利用时间的.
  • 网易彩票app会考虑你如何“适应”SPU (i.e., why 你 are interested in joining this 社区, 和 what unique gifts 你 will bring).

All this information gives us a picture of who 你 are as a unique individual, 以及你是否为网易彩票下载做好了准备. 一定要把申请表填完整. Answer every question, 和 give us as much information as possible about 你rself. 现在不是害羞的时候. 这是可以的——事实上,它是 吹嘘你自己和你的成就!


  • 如果你是第一年的申请者 和 complete 你r file by the Early Action deadline (November 1), 你 should hear in January.
  • 如果你申请普通入学, 你可能会在3月份听到这个消息.
  • 如果你是转学申请者, 你 can expect to hear from us within four weeks of completing 你r application.

如果您对您的申请有任何疑问,请随时网易彩票app 本科招生 或者是 国际招生顾问 直接.


If there are unique circumstances in 你r background that are not evident in 你r application, 面试是引起网易彩票app注意的好方法. 如果你住得远,不能网易彩票app, 你可以通过Zoom和你的招生顾问预约一次面试.


拒绝学生很难. 但网易彩票app希望每个学生都能得到最好的,这有时意味着说不. 一些被拒绝录取的学生仍然想留在西雅图大学, 和 we recommend that they complete a minimum of 30 transferable college-level quarter credits at another school 和 then contact us to have us re-evaluate their application. Other students attend another school on their list 和 graduate from that school. In either case, we hope that 你 stay motivated to complete a university degree.


国际学生不需要提交SAT或ACT成绩.  然而, 一年级申请者, 尤其是以英语为母语的人, 是否鼓励提交SAT/ACT成绩, 因为他们可以提高他们的应用. 

如果你选择参加这些成就测试之一, 网易彩票app建议你至少参加两次考试(两次sat), 两个行为, 或两者之一).  网易彩票app只考虑你的最高分.

我的母语是英语. 我还需要寄英语水平考试成绩吗?

No. 以英语为母语的人不需要表现出英语熟练程度. SPU considers an international student to be a “native English speaker” if both their primary 和 secondary education took place in Australia, 加拿大(魁北克除外), 英国, 爱尔兰, 新西兰, 或者是美国.S. (波多黎各除外).

SPU does not require international students to submit SAT or ACT test scores. 然而, 一年级申请者 who are native English speakers are strongly encouraged to take the SAT or ACT 和 submit official scores, as these scores provide us with additional evidence of 你r academic ability 和 achievement.


是的,如果英语不是你的母语. 有关熟练程度要求的完整信息,请阅读 国际学生申请流程.

Can I still be considered for admission if I do not meet the English proficiency requirement?

We cannot consider 你 for full admission to SPU if 你 do not meet our minimum English proficiency st和ards. 网易彩票app很高兴考虑有条件录取你, 在将来满足这一要求之前. 但是,网易彩票app不能给有条件录取的学生签发I-20.



No. As a private comprehensive university, 网易彩票下载 offers the same 学费利率 给州内,州外和国际学生. 


No. SPU does not offer any financial support that will cover 100% of a student's educational costs. Our merit Scholarships are generous 和 in some cases will cover a significant percentage of a student’s annual tuition. But we are not able to provide Scholarships that will provide full financial support.


No. We do not require financial documentation as part of 你r application for admission. 然而, if 你 are offered admission to SPU, we will then ask for proof of 金融资源.

美国.S. Department of State requires that international students show evidence of sufficient funds to cover the estimated total cost of their educational 和 living expenses for one year. 在网易彩票app收到财务文件之前,网易彩票app不能签发I-20.


国际学生有资格获得大部分Scholarships Scholarships 在网易彩票app的网站上.

大多数Scholarships都没有截止日期, as students do not need to submit a separate application for most of them (unless noted in the description of the scholarship). 只要你在常规录取截止日期前申请, 你将满足Scholarships考虑的截止日期.

We consider 所有 admitted students f或者是se Scholarships at the time they are admitted to the University 和 award them to any students who fit the qualifications.

一些特殊Scholarships确实需要单独申请 美术Scholarships例如:.

There are a few Scholarships for which international students are not eligible, 但这些Scholarships是由州或联邦资金资助的. 在这些类型Scholarships的描述中, it states that student recipients must be citizens or eligible permanent residents of the U.S. 待考虑.

Please note that SPU does not offer need-based financial aid to international students. We also do not offer Scholarships that will cover 100% of a student's tuition.


我在大学里修过英语101. 我还需要寄英语水平考试成绩吗?

We will waive the English proficiency test score requirement for transfer applicants who fulfill 所有 下列标准之一:

  1. 总转学绩点为3分.0/“B”或更高;
  2. 完成英语作文I了吗 二级,成绩3分.0/“B”或更高 每一个 类;
  3. Will have completed the AA degree or two years of college-level study prior to transferring.

We will also waive the test requirement for post-bac applicants who have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher from a region所有y accredited/recognized college or university in the U.S.美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、英国或爱尔兰.

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